GCV Blog

Grace Church of the Valley blog.

With Thanks
by Pastor David

Last week brought an end to some of our children’s ministries’ busiest weeks of the year. Among Vacation Bible School, Camp 7 Oaks for 4th-6th graders, and then Camp 7 Oaks for Junior High, you as a church poured out an incalculable amount of time, energy, prayer, and effort. Thank you seems pretty inadequate considering how much effort these last weeks have taken, but thank you so very much.

Children’s ministry is a rewarding place to serve because of kids. To think of the foundation we can lay at an early age, of Bible verses memorized and songs learned and the Gospel repeated and trust in the church formed and examples given, to think of all these things ought to encourage and motivate us. And in these last few weeks, all these things and more happened in an intense way. So thank you for being a part of it. Thank you for ministering to kids with your prayers, your baking, your team leading and game directing and sponsorship giving and baby watching and so much more. Paul reminded Timothy that Timothy had been acquainted from childhood with the sacred writings which were able to make him wise unto salvation (2 Tim. 3: 15). Timothy’s influence came from a godly grandmother and mother, and like them you have added your efforts to parent’s and grandparent’s for the Gospel’s sake.

Children’s ministry is also a rewarding place to serve because of God. Hebrews 6:10 says, “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.” You may thought you did service that was unseen this last few weeks or months. You didn’t think anyone noticed you in your kitchen, or prayer closet, or up working late at night, but you were wrong. God noticed every act of service done in His name, and He is not unrighteous to overlook your work and the love you showed for His name. God loves the service we offer Him. Because the Good News has made us alive in Christ, and because we are children of God, and because God doesn’t look at us as sinners, and because God has already planned good works for us to do, and because the Scripture equips us for every good work, God is glorified when we serve Him. So God will reward your service in greater ways than any human ever could. To hear His “Well done” will infinitely surpass any human praise.

When I remember before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, like Paul I give thanks to God always for all of you (1 Thess. 1:2-3). Even in that way you’ve brought glory to God these past weeks, as He has been thanked and praised for His work through you. It’s been thrilling and exciting to see kids ministered to and our church body working. So thank you for your work, and soli deo gloria.